Learn the four basic steps to create a life-saving connection at this one day FREE March Break workshop! This event is for youth ages 15-21.

Please note: This workshop has *limited spots available*. Our Event Coordinator will contact you to confirm your reservation.

safeTALK Event Registration

Fields marked with an * are required

This workshop educates youth on the topic of safeTALK. safeTALK teaches participants how to identify someone who may be thinking of suicide and how to link persons with suicidal thoughts to local suicide intervention resources. Participants learn four basic steps that begin with the process of getting help and linking the person with thoughts of suicide to a trained helper who knows how to complete the helping process. The safeTALK training is safe and effective. The training will be facilitated by registered trainers from LivingWorks Education, well-known developers of award-winning programs for suicide prevention education. safeTALK-trained helpers know that they should not keep the knowledge of another person’s suicidal thoughts a secret. They also know that they do not have to take on responsibility to do a suicide intervention, since they learn how to make a quick connection to local intervention resources trained to do that work. 

Are you able to attend this workshop IN-PERSON at 46 Wellington Street West, Unit #2, Alliston? *