We want to know how we did! Please let us know if our service met our Service Quality Policy.

Customer Complaint Procedure

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have a complaint about the level of service you have received so that we can better meet your expectations.  If at any time you are dissatisfied with our level of service, please don’t hesitate to make a formal complaint following the steps below:

We have developed a procedure to ensure all complaints are dealt with consistently, efficiently, and in a timely manner.  If you would like to use our complaint form, please email us and we will provide it, or please feel free to ask one of our frontline staff.

How to contact us:

You can let us know of your complaint through the following ways: in-person or by email at our Alliston or Angus locations.

Angus Address:

FOCUS Community Development Corporation 199 Mill Street Unit #5, Angus, ON L0M 1B2
Phone: 705-716-3942 Fax: 705-424-1516
E-mail: concerns@focuscdc.on.ca
Alliston Address: 

Focus Community Development Corporation, 46 Wellington Street West Alliston, ON L9R 2B8
Phone: 705-716-3942 Fax: 705-435-0931
E-mail: concerns@focuscdc.on.ca

Who to contact:

Please direct your written or verbal complaint to Miriam Baldwin, Employment Services Transformation Manager.

Our response:

Once we have received your information, we will establish the issue by reviewing your complaint and concerns. This may involve communicating with some of our staff; we will make every effort to deal with your complaint promptly and efficiently.

We will then confirm to you in writing or verbally our understanding of your complaint. We may ask you for further information at this point.

We will do everything we can to make the situation positive. 


We undertake to respond to you with the minimum delay and will adhere to the following timing. 

Within one business day, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint. 

We will then attempt to agree on a timeline for resolution.

If you are satisfied, we will confirm this in writing, and no further action will be taken. 

If we are unable to satisfy your complaint within an acceptable time frame, we will escalate the complaint to the Service System Manager.

The Service System Manager will attempt to resolve the complaint; if unable, it will escalate to another level.

We will always try to work towards a mutually acceptable solution.