Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG)

COJG helps employers invest in their workforce.
Small employers (fewer than 100 employees) can receive funding to cover 83% of training costs.

In some cases, small employers may qualify for funding of up to 100% of training costs (if they are training an unemployed new hire).

This program supports unemployed individuals, and enhances job creation, quality and advancement opportunities.

For more information please contact:
Marjorie Perez at

Becoming The Boss

FOCUS offers a wage subsidy for employers hiring and training a new employee through Becoming the Boss. Employers can access a wage subsidy of up to $7 per hour for 28 hours per week while participants complete a five week work placement.

After the placement, employers can receive a wage subsidy of up to $7 per hour for 35 hours per week for 14 weeks.

FOCUS will continue to provide support and help your new hire become a valuable, long-term employee. Learn more about the Becoming The Boss program.

Job Posting

Post your job for free. We will collect applications and pre-screen candidates for you.

Professional Development Workshops

We offer free virtual and in-person workshops for employers! Have a specific topic in mind? Let us know at


Let us recommend a candidate. You could be eligible for our incentives program to help you cover the cost of training a new hire.

Meeting Rooms

We can provide you with space to meet with candidates or employees. Our workshop rooms are equipped with SMART boards, Wi-Fi and desk space.

HR Assistance

Let us support you. Get in touch to discuss your needs.

Job Trials

FOCUS can cover up to 100% of wages for a new hire for a limited period of time!

Wage Subsidy

FOCUS can cover a percentage of wages for new hires for a limited period of time. Funding amount is determined through a screening process.

Need Assistance or Information? Contact us:

Employer supports are offered to business owners who need help finding staff.